Batanes Islands - Tourism Map by Hangtay Artists

In collaboration with Batanes Provincial Government through Tourism office, we would like to present our latest Mural project in Basco Airport. 

Titled as "Batanes Islands" - Tourism Map, this mural project features the tourism spots, Ivatan houses and some of Batanes' flora and fauna. This map, though not scaled, also features the complete islands of Batanes. Being mindful of the "new normal", we added QR codes on each paintings that links to a free downloadable map.

please open in google chrome to download

Not scaled. This is a "MAP ART", the information contained herein is used for the purpose of tourism only and not as official reference or basis for education, geography or territorial claims.

Located at the arrival area of the airport, this mural will welcome our guests and our returning kaidians

more photos on our Facebook page

Hangtay Artists : Joshue Alcazar, Steve Valiente, Mytz & Awee Abelador

Started last June, our artists had some challenges as the Airport needs to close for sanitation every after flights. But over all, we are happy and satisfied with the outcome and we are happy to share it with everyone. 

We would like to thank the Tourism office, the Provincial Government of Batanes for funding this mural project and to CAAP for allowing us to paint on their walls. This is a big help and a great motivation to our local artists.

Again Diyos mamahes Gov. Marilou Cayco & Ma'am Hegel Ruiz Valones!

We are "Hangtay Artists"

“Hangtay” in Ichbayaten (A dialect from one of the three inhabited islands of Batanes) means “NEST” or “CRADLE” it is the breeding ground of youngsters needing time to grow and mature. The team choose this term for themselves believing that as an artist, each one is going through a process of growth. Instead of becoming on their own, however, the group recognizes their need to learn from each other, and grow together.

To God be the glory...
"For the love of Art and Batanes"

Creative hub Batanes | 2020
All rights reserved


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